Board Chair

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Also serves as Coordinator of the CoP Secretariat and VP Corporate Strategy, Evaluation and Marketing (Diasporic Markets).  Currently has responsibility for operations until the next phase in the development of The CoP.

Is responsible for leading Strategy, Advocacy, Policy Development and Performance of The CoP.

Developed the Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Member Programmes, Member Building, Marketing & Communication, Research and Publication, Conference and Trade Show, Brokered Strategic Partnerships, Global Entrepreneurship Week and related support solutions for the first two years of existence of The CoP.

Leads participatory and influential Evaluation of The CoP and BIDEM.

Helps in supervision of external evaluations (Until and Operations Lead/ ED is hired)

Champions research into the practice of Caribbean Entrepreneurship and Sponsors Publishing and Research through the Magate Wildhorse Strategy and Performance Magazine/Journal ― The Noësis

Currently lead the development of fundraising and capacity development of The CoP and BIDEM

Sponsors select research and publication initiatives design at the start of The CoP and BIDEM Conference and Trade Show Development Plan

Leads the development and marketing of the premiere edition of BIDEM Conference and Trade Show

Recruits and facilitates the development of new board members, members and volunteers.