Is responsible for championing and supporting publishing by CoP members. Partners with academia, government departments, Magate Wildhorse Ltd and the Editorial Board of The Noësis for championing the development of strategies and programmes, as well as for brokering partnerships for advancing research and advocacy for:
- The development and establishment of subject matter expertise on Caribbean
Entrepreneurship, Caribbean Entrepreneurship in diasporic markets, relevant and
culturally appropriate solutions and approaches for improving the results of
education and entrepreneur capacity building programmes for Caribbean Entrepreneurs
in the diaspora and at home.
- The VP also supports and facilitates the inclusion of Caribbean―based Entrepreneurs in The CoP authorship initiatives,
- Is supported by the VP Corporate Strategy, Evaluation and Marketing (Diasporic Markets); The VP Education and Capacity Building, The VP Membership and The VP Marketing & Membership ―Latin America and The Caribbean (LAC) in leading process for harvesting and developing the Practice of Caribbean Entrepreneurship (best, novel and emergent) and CoP Hub ( a.k.a The High Performance Entrepreneurs’ Ring)
The Noësis is the official publication serving The CoP
and BIDEM.