Strategy Guide, Leadership Coach & Joy Maven ― Free & Laughing Inc.
Marguerite advises and facilitates leaders of growing firms in getting clarity on the results they want and implementing strategies for success. An insightful and results-focused organizational facilitator and coach, she has an outstanding record of empowering executive leadership teams to envision a compelling future, articulate strategy, implement aligned organizational change and boost profitability. She leverages her family business upbringing, 15 years in general management, over 20 years in consulting and exposure to the greatest business minds during her MBA program at Harvard, to delight her clients. She is recognized as an articulate and inspiring communicator with an engaging personality, a relentless questioner and an ability to simplify complex issues.
Marguerite is an expert in Strategy articulation and Culture alignment, and in particular in the Balanced Scorecard. She has added value to organizations in the private, public, nongovernmental and educational sectors, including Cable and Wireless, TUI Marine, National Commercial Bank, City of Hamilton, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Bank, Inter American Development Bank (IADB) and the Government of the Netherlands.
Marguerite is a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader who knows that laughter releases creativity because she laughs … a lot! She has studied Improvisational Theatre at Second City Toronto and uses it to build teams that have each other’s backs!
Marguerite is the author of “Free and Laughing: Spiritual Insights in Every Day Moments”