This session aims to provide relevant information for helping ― Caribbean immigrant entrepreneurs― men and women to participate and thrive in the international development sector, especially in the climate finance arena as service providers.
Time: 75 Min. including Q & A
What you will learn and key takeaways:
- Participants will have a clear understanding of the nature of the business/entrepreneurship landscape in the era of COVID and interlinked climate crisis.
- Participants will be able to identify and locate the funding pathways actors for accessing recovery programme for COVID as well as Climate finance: who are what funds exists that relates to entrepreneurship.
- Participants will have a map of how to go about securing business related funding vis a vis climate finance and COVID recovery plans.
“Connecting the Roots, Building Networks Together for Profit and Purpose”
In this time of the coronavirus pandemic, MSMEs cannot go it alone.
COVID-19 is causing a rethinking of some global supply chains that use to benefit MSMEs etc., in Africa, Caribbeen and Pacific and the diaspora community world-wide. What the implications of this rethink, especially for American companies in this particular historical juncture is not clear. But one thing is certain. It will not be business as usual and there is no quick return to ‘normal’. Partnership is essential, co-ventures, networking accelerators and linking to development cooperation initiatives, including climate/green finance where there is money on the table and technical assistance if the way forward.
The focus is on how MSMEs, the financial sector and large corporates are impacted by Climate crisis and the interlink with COVID and the SDGs… what are the scope for immigrant business to participate, contribute and to benefit.
The session will focus on highlighting the available type of resources that are being promote and developed as part of economic recovery package under the slogan build back better, particular attention will be on maintaining sustainability, access to climate finance, climate proofing business, green finance and nature based solutions and payments in the context of Caribbean and African sustainable development and climate change agenda. What is available to immigrant entrepreneurs what are the barriers, constraints, challenges and opportunities for entry etc?
It will therefore create needed awareness for helping participants to take action for accelerating the deliver of UN SDG13 Climate Action; SDG14 Life Below Sea; SDG15 Life on Land; SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities; SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy; SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG#3 Good Health and Wellbeing; SDF5 Gender Quality; SDG10 Reduced Inequalities; SDG6 Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG1 No Poverty; SDG2 Zero Hunger; SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Who Is It For?
Men and women who are interested in how and what the opportunities and challenges are with climate change and its impact on their business as well as how to access climate finance
This is an introductory level session.