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Calling all Caribbean and African diaspora entrepreneurs and their peers at home!

“Identifying Your Potential Sources of Sustained Competitive Advantage”

Happening October 13, 2021at BIDEM Conference and Trade Show.

Not a talk shop, come with your questions for an engaging workshop and conversation.

Hear from: Prof. Jay Barney

Register free at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bidem-international-caribbean-entrepreneur-conference-trade-show-tickets-136715097537

Find out more at: https://bidem.org/news-release-agenda-announced-for-bidem-2021-virtual-conference-trade-show/

#BIDEM2021 #lastchance #registernow #blackentrepreneurs #conference #competitiveadvantage #sustained #competiveadvantage #actionresearch

#NewYork #Toronto #London #Kingston #Accra

Closing soon #registration 3 days to go!


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