Building Strong Diaspora Community & Family Businesses Grit + Resilience from Inside Out

From Side Hustling to Scaling your Venture

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Dr. Tamu Browne

This masterclass is designed to position participants to gradually transition their “on the side” businesses to more viable and sustainable ventures that are positioned to scale.

While the session addresses both men and women it includes a special call to women entrepreneurs― who numerous research studies have found to be more likely to have smaller ventures than their male peers. The “Side Hustle to Scaling Session” provides realistic pathways for setting the stage for growth.

Time: 75 minutes  plus Q&A

What you will learn and key takeaways:

Participants will:

  • Understand why businesses remain small
  • They will learn the FIVE most viable options for scaling side hustles
  • E create a side hustle to scalability pathway for their ventures
  • Learn how to leverage networks for scaling – Masterclass additions
  • Learn how to leverage technology for scalability – Masterclass additions


“Connecting the Roots, Building Networks Together for Profit and Purpose”


The  competitive advantage of ethnic businesses and leveraging networks for accelerating scaling up of those businesses are crucial.

Caribbean culture provide a wealth of untapped opportunities which entrepreneurs should use to create their own blue oceans.

The session is designed to help more businesses leaders understand and take advantage of technology for scaling their businesses as well as for ensuring more women can take their businesses to the next level.  Driving results for the UN SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth as well as SDG 5  – Gender Equality and Equity is the related impact areas for this session.


Who Is It For?

This a is utilization-focused session, all levels can comprehend, use, and benefit.

Women of Caribbean heritage who lead small businesses will benefit most from this session.