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Caribbean entrepreneurs— immigrant and diaspora entrepreneurs, Caribbean entrepreneurs at home

Family members of Caribbean entrepreneurs, consumers, buyers and suppliers

Entrepreneurs from various ethnicities and markets who want to do business with Caribbean Entrepreneurs

Recruiters and buyers of key expert and consulting solutions

Traders and wholesalers

The Media

Private Sector Development Experts (Including those with no Caribbean roots but with a passion for inclusive entrepreneurship and making markets work)

Academia, governments, policymakers, investment and economic development agencies, trade support organizations, financial institutions, suppliers of business support services

Women-preneurs who want to learn boy’s club business think and tactics

Men who want to unveil boy’s club key cards for doing business to women Agri-preneurs

Caribbean and Host City Business & Economic Development Clusters

Students of international trade, trade, economics, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation, international relations and diaspora studies

Entrepreneurs in the high value manufacturing, tech, AI, agri-tech, health care tech and creative industries, gaming industry, tourism et al.

International development partners and departments of government including those in climate finance, blue economy, infrastructure solutions, intellectual property administration, procurement etc.

Venture capitalist and other non-traditional financiers

Experts in agriculture and agricultural process outsourcing

Consultants, professional and technical services providers

Geographical Indication associations, owners and producers

Organizations supporting inclusive business

Business leaders with and without Caribbean roots who live in Canada, USA, UK, The Netherlands, The Middle East, Asia, Pacific and Africa and the Caribbean


Note: When we refer to the creative industries we mean everything orange economy:

Cultural industries that provide goods and/or services that can be mass reproduced and disseminated (books, newspapers, magazines, libraries, film, television, photography, radio).

2) Visual arts (dance, opera, fashion, design, museums, architecture, gastronomy); and

3) New media and content software (video games, software creation, advertising, video games, software creation, advertising).


Adapted from BIDEM Co-convener Magate Wildhorse Events (2019)

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